Which Dental Treatments Are Safe During Pregnancy And Which Are Not?

Which Dental Treatments Are Safe During Pregnancy And Which Are Not?

Pregnancy is undoubtedly an exciting period in one's life. All expectant mothers will agree that as they find out they're expecting, they instantly begin to question if any things were previously safe but are no longer because of the baby. This is particularly true for dental operations. 

Can specific dental treatments or procedures result in fetal anomalies or congenital disabilities? Is there a higher chance of early birth or miscarriage? It's natural for pregnant women to have these concerns; therefore, let’s see what best tooth implant dentists say about how dental health care can be safely continued, particularly in local anesthetics for pain control.

Important Takeaways 
- Pregnancy hormones can impact oral health, causing symptoms such as dry mouth, gum inflammation, bleeding, or sensitivity, known as pregnancy gingivitis. If left untreated, this can progress to gum disease;

- Because of the increased acidity, morning sickness can influence oral health. After vomiting, it is recommended that you rinse your mouth with water and wait 30-60 minutes before brushing your teeth;

- A 2015 study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association states that dental treatment with local anesthetics during the first trimester is generally safe. Many dentists, however, advise waiting until the second trimester for tooth operations;

- The study confirmed that dental treatments performed under local anesthesia do not result in fetal anomalies or raise the risk of miscarriage or premature birth;

- During pregnancy, dental problems should be addressed as soon as possible. Ignoring tooth decay can allow infection to progress and potentially reach the bloodstream;

- Short-term pain medication can be administered after dental operations such as root canals. Dental crowns and fillings can also be performed safely during pregnancy;

- Brushing twice daily, flossing once daily, and rinsing with fluoride-based mouthwash are all recommended throughout pregnancy;

- Pregnant women with poor oral hygiene or a higher risk of dental problems should see their dentist more frequently than the standard six-month interval.

Pregnancy Hormones Have an Impact on Your Oral Health
Many pregnant women are unaware that the hormonal changes throughout their bodies might create tooth difficulties. You may have symptoms such as dry mouth, gum irritation, bleeding, or sensitivity. This is known as pregnant gingivitis, and if not treated appropriately, it can progress to gum disease. It is vital to highlight that dental procedures should be avoided during pregnancy.

Because of the increased acidity, morning sickness can also harm your teeth. It's advisable to avoid brushing your teeth shortly after vomiting because this can spread the acid around and eat away at your enamel. Instead, rinse your mouth with water and wait 30 minutes to an hour before brushing your teeth thoroughly. Fluoride-based mouthwashes and toothpaste are safe to use.

Local Anesthesia Is Safe to Use During Pregnancy
Although a study conducted and published in 2015 by the Journal of American Dental Association found that dental treatment with the use of local anesthesia during the first trimester was safe, your dentist will likely refrain from performing any kind of dental work during the first trimester, while your baby is still developing vital organs. However, if your dentist advises you to wait until the baby's organs have developed sufficiently in the second trimester, you should do so.

The study also revealed that having a dental operation done under local anesthesia did not result in any abnormalities or an increased risk of miscarriage or premature birth. In the study, dental treatments included tooth extraction, endodontic treatment, and tooth repair.

Your Dental Issue Should Be Addressed As Soon As Possible
Oral surgery during pregnancy is always a last resort unless the possible advantages outweigh the potential risks. This is possible with a root canal. If you have a badly infected tooth also causing significant pain, you should have it extracted as soon as possible. Tooth decay of any kind should be addressed extremely seriously. If the infection is not treated, it can spread to neighboring teeth and possibly enter your bloodstream. This is why, if you're pregnant, you should practice good oral hygiene to keep your mouth healthy.

After a root canal, you will be given pain medication that is safe to use orally for a brief period of time. Even if your tooth has been extracted, you can still get a dental crown or filling. Again, most dentists will advise you to do so during your second trimester.

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