Successful Treatment of Adenomyosis: Boon or a Bliss from Ayurveda

Successful Treatment of Adenomyosis: Boon or a Bliss from Ayurveda

Successful Treatment of Adenomyosis: Boon or a Bliss from Ayurveda

Adenomyosis is a medical complication in the endothelial layers of the uterus which often leads to  expansion of the uterus. This subsequently leads to heavy bleeding during menstruation with excessive pain or cramps in the lower abdomen.  It occurs either in the entire uterus or specifically in a particular portion of the uterus which is generally considered to be a benign condition; however too much bleeding and pain may impose negative impact on the lives of the women to a large extent.

Major Factors Causing Adenomyosis:

First & foremost, adenomyosis can form from endometriosis due to the extension of endometrial tissue from outside the uterus. The extrinsic involvement of the uterus with adenomyosis defines the abnormal growth process from outside the uterus to inside. Some of the other theories that include the cause of adenomyosis are vaginal injury or breakage of tissues that allows inflammation & thereby leading to increased macrophages and cytokines to migrate in myometrium, causing the growth in tissue as typically seen in adenomyosis. Some believe it may cause due to some form of stimulation of migratory tissue in myometrium, due to high estrogen receptors. Other theories include the spread & formation of myometrium cells through stem cells or lymphatic system. Apart from this, there are many believed theories that causes adenomyosis, but until there isn’t sufficient research undertaken& adequate knowledge is gained; one can’t reach to a right conclusion on what exactly causes adenomyosis. 

Typical Symptoms of Adenomyosis:

Women diagnosed with adenomyosis, typically suffer the following symptoms as mentioned below:

Tenderness in the lower abdominal area.
Pelvic Pain
Blood clotsduring menstrual bleeding
Heavy bleeding during menstruation for a prolonged period of time.
Longer menstrual cycles than normal.
Severe & prolonged menstrual cramps in the lower abdomen.
Experiencing pain during intercourse.

Risk Factors for Adenomyosis:

There are some certain factors that women are prone to a greater risk for this condition & these include:

After childbirth
Before occurrence of menopause (for women in the age group of 40-50).
Post uterine surgery like cesarean delivery or a surgery to remove fibroids.

Diagnosis of Adenomyosis:

A complete medical examination can help to decide the best course of treatment. Doctor will physically examine initially to check if one’s uterus is swollen. Most of the women with adenomyosis have a uterus which is double the normal size. An ultrasound scan may be advised by the doctor to diagnose this condition; however at the same time to find the possibility of having tumour on the uterus.


Medical treatment is not advised to those women who are facing the mild forms of this condition; however it’s only recommended to those with severe symptoms that interfere their daily chores. Generally women suffering from adenomyosis are treated with

Hormonal Treatment
Anti-Inflammatory Medicines
Endometrial Ablation
Embolization of the Uterine Artery

Adenomyosis isn’t life threatening if treated in a right manner, there are various treatment procedures available to completely eradicate this condition. To get rid of this condition,the only way is to go through hysterectomy.  This procedure involves the surgical removal of the uterus completely. It’s considered to be one of the major surgery & is only performed in severe cases in women who no longer plan to have children. The ovaries are thus not affected due to adenomyosis which are thus left safe in the body.

Last Words About Adenomyosis

By Research & experience — More important even than being schooled about adenomyosis — has been realizing how important it is for women to take charge of their own health care, to not be afraid to question and stand up to doctors. Even the more woke ones.

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