Selenium Automated Testing Tool: An Comprehensive Overview Of It

Selenium Automated Testing Tool: An Comprehensive Overview Of It

Today, technology has provided us numerous options and solutions; we have to choose the best based on our requirements. Most of the options have become obsolete, we use it for a short duration of time, and again new technology replaces it with amazing solutions. Each day we face technological changes, and those changes are launched to make things easy. Could you think of any technologies that are innovative and stable for more than ten years? No.

These days, many enterprises have adopted agile methodology and similar technologies to make the overall development cycle faster that reduces cost. High-quality and product efficiency are the most important factors when it comes to the testing process. Hence, you should have an automatic testing tool that offers quality assurance and saves time. Numerous testing tools are out there, but Selenium is one of the best and popular tools to test web applications.

When Selenium was launched into the tech world, it had created an amazing impression to become the most popular testing tool for web applications among the developers. Today, it is the first choice of software testers and offers an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that merges the tool with desirable web browsers. 

If you have observed, today, agile methodology has been used by many developers, and Selenium establishes itself as one of the most used and popular ones. It is ideal for complex web-based applications and able to create simple scripts.

What Is Selenium

You must be aware of the fact; if you are in the software industry, once the product reaches the manual testing phase, every company often thinks of an automated testing tool to reduce the cost. Since the testing is very important for any application or software, many enterprises have started choosing open-source test automation tools instead of investing in manual testing tools.

And Selenium is a perfect choice as it does not require a license, and provides competitive features for automating the testing of web applications and web portal both. It is an open-source framework for a web application, and it is a set of different software tools, each presenting unique features and making the testing process faster.

Other attractive features Selenium offers that are:

  • It is a free and open-source testing framework 
  • Have a solid user base and helping communities
  • Offers cross-browser compatibility such as Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc.
  • Supports multiple programming languages
  • Time- saving 

Automatic Testing Is Better Than Manual Testing 

Over the last couple of years, advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning have been introduced to reduce the workload and avoid repetitive human tasks. Same way, when you are about to test software or any web applications, many enterprises are today implementing an automatic testing system that minimizes time and enhances the quality of the product.

Hence, the open-source automation tool is introduced, such as Selenium, that avoids the requirement of manual testing and ensures product quality. Why are testers fond of this automatic tool? Because it saves time and requires less human resources, moreover, it does not commit errors and gives you incredible results.

For instance, you are developing an instacart clone and want to verify the login page; Selenium makes it easy to write a couple of lines of code, which will teste all the transactions whether login attempts are successful or not. The interesting feature of Selenium is it offers multiple options to test and compare the results. And finally, it gives you a clear idea that the application is working as per the expectation or not.

If you want to translate test scripts that are written in various languages, the Selenium’s “SENDKEYS” feature through, you can translate it into the proper way. Here the key point is it makes the software tester’s job easy and simpler.

Pros Of Using Selenium

These days, machines are dominating the world of technology as well as our lives; machines can perform exactly as we want them to without getting frustrated. Now, the question is, why is it possible? The simple answer is software testing. 

So let’s discuss in-depth what are the benefits of using the Selenium tool and why it is best as compared to other testing tools. 

Easy Integration:  Selenium WebDriver is a most used testing tool which can test web-pages belonging to different operating systems. It is a user-friendly automation tool; it means testers are able to develop extensions as per their requirement.

Independent Platform: It saves software tester’s time, and one script can be run and tested on any platform.

Quickens Development Cycle:  We all are aware of the fact the manual testing is time-consuming, and it is difficult to process, which makes delays in product delivery, and you might miss the chance to grab the opportunity. It increases costs. Therefore, Selenium saves time and provides ready testing solutions that make the testing process smooth and quick.

Language & Browser Support:  One of the notable advantages of using Selenium is it supports all famous programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, Ruby, .Net, PHP, Python, this gives the developer a lot of flexibility. 

Besides, it supports multiple browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. And supports operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and Mac.

Limitations Of Using Selenium 

Selenium can be run only for web applications; it means you can not test software and desktop applications. It does not support image testing and offers poor user support; you have to depend on communities for a solution.

Last Words

Selecting the right and accurate testing tool is key to get success. And Selenium is one of the most suitable tools to test web applications; it can perform on any browser and supports any programming language. With the help of Selenium, you can execute the testing process on various machines and cut down the project cost.

Thus, we can say that Selenium automation testing is indeed a strong and flexible tool as compared to other available tools. So don’t think, write beautiful code and get your website tested with this amazing tool.

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