5 Ways to Entertain in Your Garden During the Winter

5 Ways to Entertain in Your Garden During the Winter

It may be colder; the nights may draw in sooner and the weather might be more unpredictable but it doesn’t mean that your garden should become redundant during the winter. If you’ve spent a lot of time sprucing it up during the summer months, why shouldn’t you continue to show it off during the winter?

There are still plenty of ways you can enjoy your beautiful garden and make it the perfect place for entertaining even on a chilly winter evening. Here are just a few to get you started.

Light it up

Winter can be gloomy, the sun sets early and cloudy skies can create a dull atmosphere so lighting is key to making your garden ready for a winter gathering.

Whether you want simple or extravagant there are lots of options for lighting up your garden. Create a soft and cosy feel with fairy lights and lanterns or really brighten the area with larger lamps. Solar-powered lights are also an excellent eco-friendly way to make your garden glow and there are many choices when it comes to shapes and sizes.

You could even get creative and make some homemade lighting options to add your own touch and set the mood.

Gather around a fire pit

If you’re thinking of hosting an outdoor winter get together then you should consider getting a fire pit as a centrepiece for your outdoor space. A fire pit can add to the lighting arrangement and be a source of heat that you and your guests can gather around to keep warm whilst under the stars. You could even toast some marshmallows on the fire later in the evening.

The great thing about fire pits is that there’s a large range of different types, so whether you’ve got a large patio area, an urban balcony or a small country garden full of greenery you’ll easily find a fire pit to suit your space.

Create a cosy seating area

You want your guests to be comfortable and feel like they can relax whilst staying warm so creating a cosy alfresco seating area is essential. Whether it’s a dining area with comfy cushions on the chairs and toasty outdoor heaters or garden sofas with blankets and your fire pit in the middle it will make the ideal place for everyone to unwind and you’ll soon forget your even outside.

Create total utopia with a built-in outdoor gazebo, not only do they look luxurious but they are perfect for creating a cosy seating area that’s protected from the outside weather. Solid wood gazebos are particularly popular and some premium gazebos even come with mini kitchens. Add this to your garden and it will be a foolproof retreat.

Soak in the hot tub

If you really want to take things up a notch and you haven’t got one already, add a hot tub into your garden. There’s no rule saying that hot tubs are just for summer and soaking in a hot bubble bath outside during the winter could be even more appealing. Your garden would be the place to be and you’d be the envy of all your friends. Throw in a bottle of fizz and you, your friends and family can take the weight off your feet and relax.

Just be sure to check your spa has a freeze protection system and a good quality cover to help maintain the heat.

A warming menu

A party isn’t complete without some scrumptious food and a little tipple so food and drink preparation is crucial as you don’t want your guest going hungry.

Some warming cocktails will be sure to liven up the party and mulled wine or Baileys are always popular drinks during this time of year. You could even treat everyone to some luxury hot chocolates (for the kids) and Irish coffees (for the adults).

Hearty, comforting dishes will go down a storm, think moreish pies, cheese fondues, sausage and bacon sandwiches, pulled pork baguettes and soups.

Despite the chilly weather, a garden party can be just as fun during the winter as it can be in the summer. So, get creative, make sure you all stay warm and your winter garden celebration should be a success.

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